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Age 24
Hi, my name is Sophia. I am 24 years old, I am a Colombian native of the city of Cali, a salsa and party city par excellence. I love fun, meet people from all over the world and experience new cultures. I am an open-minded and very extroverted girl. I love arroz atollado (typical dish from my city), I have a dog named Odie that I adore with all my heart.(1) My favourite books are: - "Ulysses" - James Joyce - "Justina" - Marqués de Sade.- "Historia de guante" - Geoff Nicholson- "Viaje malvado" - Christine Poutney- "El leopardo de nieve" - David Henry Sterry- "Quemada de luna" - Mitzi Szereto- "Deseo ardiente" - Harriet Warner- "El gato que obtuvo la crema" - Christine Poutney- "Chicas muertas" - Anne Billson- "Este año en Marienbad" - Angelica Jacob- "Derrame californiano" - Geoff Nicholson- "Lujuria" - D.B.C. Pierre(2) My favorite movies are: - Bajos instintos (1992).- Lucía y el sexo (2001).- Ojos bien cerrados (1999).- Nine 1/2 weeks (1986).- El último tango en París (1972).- The Dreamers (2003).- El imperio de los sentidos (1976).- Las edades de Lulú (1990).- La vida de Adèle (2013).- Calígula (1979).- Luna de hiel (1992).- Emmanuelle (1974).- Crash (1996).- Y tu mamá también (2001).- Deseos culpables (2011).- Showgirls (1995).- L'amant (1992).(3) My hobbies are:- To play dominoes- To dance- To go fishing- To dance- To run- To swim- To skate- To travel- To dive- To go mountain climbing- To paint- To meditate- To go ice skating- To play basketball(4) My Talents are:- Cooking as delicious as a chef.- Prepare cocktails.- Open a bottle of champagne.- Hide a bad day very well.- Wrap a gift.- Take care of babies (from 35 years old and up).- Use GoogleMaps- Edit photographs.- Buy at the first store I visit.- Serve a very cold beer.- Make love as a goddess.- Spend money- Eat chocolate and ice cream all day.- Sleep- Lift a single eyebrow.- Hold a glass full of wine at the base of my back without spilling it.- Look into your eyes without blinking.- Laugh at a bad joke. - Put together a party with all my friends and be the only one who does not attend.- Smile at a person that I do not like.- Do not attend any class at the university and earn the semester.- Read the Bible.- Wake up and get ready to leave in 10 minutes or less.- Reaching an appointment on time.(5)How should my perfect partner be to make me happy ?:It's not that complicated, just enough to be:1. Friend2. Partner3. Lover4. Brother5. Father6. Teacher7. Educator8. Cook9. Carpenter10. Plumber11. Mechanic12. Decorator13. Stylist14. Sexologist15. Gynecologist16. Psychologist17. Psychiatrist18. Therapist19. Bold20. Organized21. Good father22. Very clean23. Friendly24. Athletic25. Sweet26. Retailer27. Galante28. Intelligent29. Funny30. Creative31. Tender32. Strong33. Comprehensive34. Tolerant35. Prudent36. Ambitious37. Capable38. Brave39. Determined40. Reliable41. Respectful42. PassionateWITHOUT FORGET:43. Making compliments often44. Adore shopping45. Do not ride circuses46. To be very rich47. Do not get on your nerves48. Do not look at other womenAND AT THE SAME TIME YOU ALSO HAVE:49. Be very attentive to me, without becoming jealous.50. Getting along with my family, but always dedicating the same time to me.51. Leave me my space, but show interest in what I do.IT IS VERY IMPORTANT, never forget:birthdaySaintsAnniversariesAnd Weddings.VERY EASY, NO?(6) ¿I like?:For most girls, retail men are worth it. A woman will love having a man fall in love with details and do her best to please her tastes. Giving roses, chocolates, perfumes, jewelry, etc., is always something that a girl will love.(7) That I do not like it?:That the men lost the ability to fix things: they do not know how to fix anything in the house, but they are offended if you call a plumber, gas or gardener.(8) Perfect date:Go eat at a restaurant with a beautiful view of the city.(9) What I think about life:- Life can only be understood backwards, but it can only be lived forward.(10) The craziest thing I've done:Eat ice cream with hot coffee.(11) If I could be anywhere at this time:I would like to be with you, in your bed, under your naked blankets hugging us.(12) Five important things for me:Computer, cell phone, friends, family and!(13) What I like to do for fun:- Learn to play a musical instrument.- Watch concerts by tv ..- Visit a public library.- Listen to the radio.- Write an article or a story.- Paint a painting, a mural or a room.- Learn about trees and flowers.- Plant something.- Swim.- Dance- chat- play board-games.(14) The best reason to know me:Because I can drive you to do what you like most.(15)If you want to know more about me, ask me what you want when I am online and I will respond with great pleasure. _____Sexy?Sex____?Sexy?Sexy TIP MENU___y?Sexy?Sexy? ___?Sexy?Sexy?S___?Sexy?Sexy?S Do You like my smile? = 5 tkn.__?Sexy?Sexy?Se Do You like me? = 10 tkn _?Sexy?Sexy?Se Do you think that I'm sexy? =20 tkn _?Sexy?Sexy?Se graceful faces= 38tk_?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy? write your name in my body=26TK?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy Do you love me? - 100 tkn ?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Se 15 jumps =40tk?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sex 10 Squats =10tk_?Sexy?__?Sexy?Sexy?Sex 5 flex =15 tk___?Sex____?Sexy?Sexy? 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Tease Fingering =222 Tk_________?Sexy?Se_____?Sexy?SEXY Add My Knights =1000Tk_________?Sexy?S____?Sexy?Sexy Be My Hero = 2000 tkn_________?Sexy?S_?Sexy?Sexy Be my superhero =3000 tkn. ________?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy torso of man =777tk________?Sexy?Sexy?S hitachi purple=260________?Sexy?Sexy FootJob=500_______?Sexy?Se boosbjob=666_______?Sexy?______?Sexy? ______?Sexy? ______?Sexy? ______?Sexy ______?Sexy _______?Sex_______?Sex f_______?Sex ______?Sexy ______?Sexy _______Sexy_______ Sexy?

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