maria_camilaa is offline now
Age 18
Wwlcome in (k) - - - - - - - - - - - - - About me?.I alwais get nervos at this part.And im sure you know what i mean. im here because i want to be. I feel like i need you and i feel like you need me too.I am 18 years,student,im love what im suding.i spend a litle time on gym everyday,and im trying to maintien a healty life. I think my open minded feature its my strenght but i also have a lot of waknesess.Know me better and have fun together :) Tip if you like to see more I will glad to show :* Have fun together and let me know your wishes. Please be very patient with me, sometimes things can get risky!.I am maria camilla Do you have any toys for use? - No, although if you want I can use them come in