AnnaSpecial is offline now
Age 19
"""Hey guys!Im glad to be here where I can meet and talk with people from all around. Im a positive person, always smiling:), im a good company:) Hope we will be good friends Let me know your turn ons so I can satisfy you! level 1 -Tip (1-14) low 3 seclevel 2 -Tip (15-99) medium 8 seclevel 3 - Tip (100-499) medium 10 seclevel 4 - Tip (500-999) high 15 seclevel 5 - Tip (1000+ ) ultra high 25 secHave patience with me and all your dreams will come true."" If you wont be my friend , you nid me 100 tokens.____________________________________$$$ ___________________________________$$$$$$$ ___________________________$$$____$$$$$$$$$ _________________________$$$$$$$__$$$_______________________$$$$$$$$$__$$$$$ _______________________$$$_________$$$$$$$$$________________$$$$__$$$$_________________$$$ _____________$__$$$$__$$$$$$$$$$$_____$____$$$ __________$$$___$$$$___$$$$$$$$$$$__$$$$$$$$$$ _________$$$$___$$$$$___$$$$$$$$$$__$$$$$$$$$ ____$____$$$_____$$$$__________$$$___$$$$$$$ __$$$$__$$$$_____$$$$_____$____$$$ __$$$$__$$$_______$$$$__$$$$$$$$$$ ___$$$$$$$$$______$$$$__$$$$$$$$$ ___$$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$___$$$$$$ ___$$$$$$$$$$$_____$$$ ____$$$$$$$$$$$____$$$$ ____$$$$$__$$$$$___$$$ ____$$$$$___$$$$$$ ____$$$$$____$$$* _____$$$$ _____$$$$"